Assignment 3: The Ape Lady

The assignment was to  create a six-panel comic adapted from T.C. Boyle’s “The Ape Lady in Retirement.” The challenge to create a complete story narrowed down from a rather lengthy tale with very detailed and rich imagery was somewhat daunting.  I decided to keep it really simple highlighting who the ape lady was where she was coming from, what she wanted, and what got in her way.

The majority of my classmates did not particularly care for this short story. In today’s setting the story does not make sense.  No one is that trusting, nor naive to think an innocent heart can prevail in such circumstances.  It was nice; however, to get lost in a story and be challenged to put it into a comic with 6 panels. No more, no less.

~ by lartistamaria on February 15, 2012.

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